Response Time
Our charity is volunteer based, with no paid employees, and we have limited resources to respond to the dozens of emails we receive each week. We appreciate your patience and a volunteer will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.
Adoption Process
When you are ready to proceed with an adoption, please fill out the Adoption Application (click on the button to the right) and email the completed document to You will receive an email response from a Forgotten Ones representative within 48 hours of our receipt of your application.
Once your application has been approved, a volunteer will arrange for you to meet the cat you have applied for. The meet-and-greet will take place at an in-store adoption centre or in a Forgotten Ones foster home.
When you have found your ideal cat companion, the final step is for the paperwork to be signed and the adoption fee paid. Then you can take your new feline family member home.
Adoption Fees:
Adult Cats $250.00
Kittens $300.00
Senior $175.00
Looking for the special love that only a cat can give?
Visit our adoption gallery to see the many adorable cats and kittens currently available.
Identifying Purr-sonalities
Cats and kittens enter the Forgotten Ones adoption program after being rescued from homelessness or from limited-capacity municipal animal centres. Once in our care, each animal receives a veterinary checkup and is taken to a foster home. The rescued feline is often frightened and stressed, and a foster home provides a loving, safe and comforting environment.
Volunteers take the time to assess the personality characteristics of each cat: social interaction, affection level, playfulness, energy level, etc. Our goal is to ensure that, when a cat is adopted, the feline and family are compatible and they have a love match!
Veterinary surgeries and treatments your adopted cat or kitten has received are valued at several hundred dollars. They include:

The value of the cat or kitten you adopt is priceless!
Choosing the Right Cat for You
A cat’s personality, age and suitability to your lifestyle are important considerations in choosing a feline companion. We’ll help you find a family cat that is just right for you!
Cuddly Kittens
It is a Forgotten Ones policy to adopt kittens in pairs. Kittens that remain with one of their littermates or a similar-aged companion tend to be healthier and happier. A single kitten will often develop unwanted behaviours that they won’t outgrow, such as biting or nipping; when these kittens become adult cats, they are often surrendered to animal control centres because of these avoidable behaviour issues.
Left: Lucy and Izzy were rescued from homelessness.
Seniors – Simply Sensational
Mature cats are calm, wise and experienced. Older cats come to you litter-box trained, and tend to be easy-going. They have developed their own unique personalities; they can keep you company or are independent enough to be on their own. Adopting a senior cat will enrich your life with the presence of a devoted pet who will never forget your kindness.
Left: Spicy is a mature cat that was rescued from a municipal shelter.
FIV-Positive Cats
FIV stands for feline immunodeficiency virus, which can cause a weakening of a cat’s immune system. Although the condition sounds ominous, FIV-positive cats can live long, happy, healthy lives with few complications from their disease; health issues resulting from the FIV virus are often minimal. For all cats, a good diet and regular veterinary checkups are important for lifelong health. With proper care, FIV+ cats can have a normal lifespan and live as happy, lovable, playful cats.
Special-needs Cats
Many cats with special needs make wonderful companions. They might be deaf, be blind, or require a special diet or regular medication. Their condition doesn’t affect the amount of love and pleasure they have to give; it just requires a commitment on your part to meet their needs for the rest of their lives. Despite any imperfections, a special-needs cat might be the perfect pet for your family.

Willow was very stressed when she was rescued from a municipal shelter. After receiving lots of TLC in a foster home, her affectionate personality emerged. Her adoptive family appreciates all the “kitty love” Willow lavishes on them!